What's that, you say? Yeah, you heard it right. The Neckbones are performing in their hometown of Oxford Friday, July 16th, starting at 10:00 PM. They will be at Proud Larry's on The Square. Don't know exactly where that is but I will find it.
The Neckbones were an insane punk band from Oxford, Mississippi. They put out two albums in the mid to late 1990's. Their music could best be described as a very drunken and adrenaline fueled Stooges. They are known for imbibing more than a bit much and often passing out in mid-performance. These guys know the true meaning of punk and are obsessed with gambling and drinking and B-Movies. Man can they put on a show!
Anyways, that was the 1990's and this is 2010. They haven't released anything new that I know of since the 1990's. I think this is more of a reunion gig than anything else but I may be wrong. I don't care if they're all in their mid 30's now and have straightened themselves out maybe. I just want to hear some Neckbones!