Brilliant cyber-thrash from Voivod's 1987 album "Killing Technology". Deranged and heavy...never be "Forgotten in Space".
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Rozz Williams' "Every King a Bastard Son"

This song is from Rozz Williams' solo album "Every King a Bastard Son". What a frightening and unsettilng mood piece this entire album is. Mostly spoken word poetry layered over a hellish, spine tingling, and nerve racking atmospheric layer of sound. I cannot give kudos to this album enough. Do not listen to it alone in the dark. I do not have a good copy of this album. I do have a old dub of it on tape. "Every King a Bastard Son" is long out of print, and I wish someone could re-relase this. It is Rozz's finest moment outside of Christian Death. This is my number one most disturbing yet listenable album of all time.
Here's "The Evil Ones". Pretty tame compared to the rest of the album, but it's the only one I could find. Still creepy enough. When and if this ever comes back into print expect a full -on review.
A Little Christian Death for Your Weekend...

Nothing hits the spot like a little Christian Death every now and then, especially if Rozz Williams is in the driver's seat. His poetic, perverse gloomy vocals and song structures are outright addictive. Here's "Ashes" and "Sleepwalk". Rozz Williams' Christian Death at it's finest.
Christian Death,
Rozz Williams,
The Iron Mask
Saint Vitus: I Bleed Black

I know I've posted plenty about Saint Vitus before, but the cold gloom strikes, and Vitus is it's perfect companion. Here's "I Bleed Black", from their album "V". The combination of crushing doom, psychedelic guitar work ripped from the bowels of hell, and Scott Weinrich's down to Earth vocals seem to calm me for some reason. Give this song a listen, and give this whole album a whirl for that matter. It emanates a vibe that remains unparalleled in all of hippie/doom-dom.

I've always loved The Stooges. They came out with three incredibly solid albums plus a plethora of odds and ends in their times. Their best album in my opinion though is their debut, simply titled "The Stooges", released in 1969. The band is at their most primitive, sleazy, psychedelic, and viscous here. There are no holds barred. This is the perfect 1960's psychedelic garage punk album start to finish. Sure there are a few slow spots such as "We Will Fall", where the band may have imbibed a bit too much, but all in all a classic album. Ron Asheton's guitar playing will rip your brain apart. Of course, Iggy's vocals are as snide as ever. The production work of John Cale is brilliantly raw and organic. You can hear every instrument and all it's subtleties even at it's most deafening. This is the perfect American punk album filled with libido and alchohol/drug-fueled goodness, long before The Ramones would come onto the scene. Highly recommended.
1960's garage punk,
Iggy pop,
John Cale,
Ron Asheton,
The Ramones,
The Stooges
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A little Charles Mingus for your Wednesday night, from "Let My Children Hear Music". This is the first track...irresistible. It starts out slow, but hang on tight. Not the original recording here, but darn close.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Chrome: In a Dream
Chrome: Danger Zone
Chrome: Third from the Sun

Here's some early 1980's acid-drenched sci-fi punk goodness. I love all of Chrome's work, but the weirdness level seemed to drop dramatically after Helios Creed left the band. "Third from the Sun" (1982) features Chrome at their peak, and right before their downfall. Both Damon Edge and Helios creed are at their strongest here. Working together, they are near overwhelming, almost too perfect. Helios would leave the band after this recording. What an incredible, heavy space pysch album "Third from the Sun" is. Give it a whirl. Here's "Firebomb" and "Future Ghosts".
Damon Edge,
Future Ghosts,
Helios Creed,
Third from the Sun
Anthrax: Anti-Social

On a little retro kick here. Anthrax is one of those bands I used listen to fanatically as a teen. In retrospect, I'm not 100 percent behind their stuff now. But still there are some songs of theirs I cannot resist, even at 35. Here's one of them..."Anti-Social", from their "State of Euphoria" album. Enjoy.
Black Sabbath: Hole in the Sky & Symptom of the Universe

Here's a couple of incredible songs from Black Sabbath's "Sabotage". One of my favorite Black Sabbath albums of all time. The band is at their peak heading towards their downfall/burnout here. Here's "Hole in the Sky" and "Symptom of the Universe". Enjoy.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Voivod: Brain Scan
Alright, I leave you with a weighty chunk of outer space deep freeze freak out music. Once again from Voivod's "Dimension Hatross" album. "Brain Scan" rivals even Helios Creed's weirdest recordings. Some fucked up space music indeed. On that note I bid you good night. Sorry not too much on the blog this week. New stuff will be coming, so stay tuned.
Brain Scan,
Dimension Hatross,
Helios Creed,
space music,
Voivod: Technocratic Manipulators
This song is so chillingly true for our time or for an even bleaker future which I hope will not come. From Voivod's greatest album in my opinion, "Dimension Hatross". Disturbing, sci-fi/prog metal at it's of my favorite albums of all time. Here's 'Technocratic Manipulators".
Dimnsion Hatross,
Technocratic Manipulators,
Just Rockin' a Little Unida...
Howdy. It's been a rough week. We are really feeling the Christmas rush at my work and I have been doing everything I can to stay away from a computer this weekend. Usually it doesn't get crazy busy until January, but it looks like the rush is early, which is good . Job security. Needless to say, I am tired of staring at a computer screen and madly typing my life away all day at work. Just been taking it easy this weekend, listening to some music here and there, doing odd work around the house, etc. Just thought I'd leave you with a little Unida. I might chime in later on tonight, but if not, I will be back here next weekend.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
We intterupt this broadcast to bring you more Magma. Warped, sick, claustrophobic, paranoid, like something out of a Philip K. Dick novel, but loaded with funk. This time it's "Attahk".
Christian Vander,
Philip K Dick

Magma. Seriously warped, science fiction/jazz fusion/prog rock from the 1970's. Their drummer and band leader Chrstian Vander invented his own language and his own world for his music to take place in. This is the heaviest fusion/prog rock I have ever heard next to King Crimson. Some of Magma's material I almost prefer over King Crimson. Magma's music is pure insanity...horrifying, heavy music with odd time signatures. Unpredictable yet relentless A band led by one who is truly warped on psychedelics and has created his own language...all in all just terrifying futuristic music from another universe you can strangely enough almost dance to, with plenty of evil grooves. Check it out.
I have a few audio cassette tapes of Magma in my collection. That is all. Trying to share with you what I have heard of these guys so far. I may break in later with more Magma madness.
Christin Vander,
jazz fusion,
King Crimson,
prog rock
New Caleb Emerson Film in the Oven...

Good news! Caleb Emerson, the director of the maddening, low-budget, twisted and whacked zombie/superhero/quest/ epic/humorous cult film "Die You Zombie Bastards" is currently making a new movie. It's called "Frankie in Blunderland". What it's quite about, I don't know yet, but I've been digging the production stills, etc that are found on this movie's web site. All I know is what it says, "a psychedelic melodrama." Click here.
I personally loved "Die You Zombie Bastards". If you haven't seen this particular piece of celluloid, you should. Definitely not for the squeamish or for those who can't take dirty jokes. Gore and juvenile humor abound in this film. Take it or leave it, it is brilliant in my book. So I leave you with a bit of "Die You Zombie Bastards" as I count down the weeks/months/years it may be before my eyes are graced with "Frankie in Blunderland". Soon, I hope. Soon.
Tis the season...
Can't believe it's that time again. Putting up the tree, trying to get the shape right. It's artificial. Saint Vitus' "V" playing in the back ground. The house is full of gloom. Perfect for the holidays...for me anyway.
Chrstmas Tree Decorating,
Saint Vitus
In a Kyuss Sort of Way...

Ok, I know I've posted alot about Kyuss, but I've really been listening to "Welcome to Sky Valley" a bit much lately and I feel it deserves another go. Nothing wrong with a little Kyuss every now and then. Here's a few from the album...have some beer or whatever you like, take in a few Kyuss tunes, and enjoy your Saturday.
Last but not least, the greatest Kyuss song and video of all time, in my opinion..."Demon Cleaner". Embedding disabled by request...Click here to listen.
Last but not least, the greatest Kyuss song and video of all time, in my opinion..."Demon Cleaner". Embedding disabled by request...Click here to listen.
Demon Cleaner,
Welcome to Sky Valley

Anyone familiar with the films of John Waters remembers Edith Massey. The Egg Lady, Aunt exuberant one of a kind actress. She also had a short career as a one-of-a-kind punk singer. Priceless. Marvel at "Hey Punks Get Off the Grass" and her lusty, sick version of "Fever". Brain damaging and bad it's good.
Aunt Ida,
Edith Massey,
Egg Lady,
Hey Punks Get Off the Grass,
John Waters
Sneak Peek at New Calabrese Album

Here's a sneak peek of a song from the horror punk kings, Calabrese's new album "They Call Us Death". Can't wait for this to come out. It is due sometime in early 2010. The song is "Violet Hellfire". Click here to listen. It's the first song on the play list. Enjoy.
horror punk,
They Call Us Death,
Violet Hellfire
Friday, November 27, 2009
An excellent, grainy, black & white, gargantuan club performance here by Hermano of "The Bottle". Even though the sound quality isn't too great, this song can still knock you down. John Garcia in top form once again...ex-Kyuss, ex-Slo Burn, ex-Unida, but early Hermano...killer desert rock. Pick up "Only a Suggestion", Hermano's first and overall best. Three studio albums so far. Hope they stick together for a few more.
John Garcia,
Only a Suggestion,
Slo Burn,
The Bottle,

In a mellow mood tonight, listening to The Beatles' "Revolver"(1966). As I've said before, when The Beatles hit, they hit hard. Not quite every song on this album is exactly my cup of tea, but there are some true standouts on here. Here's a few you can't go wrong with.
She Said She Said,
The Beatles

The Cranes. "Forever"(1993) and "Wings of Joy"(1991). I used to have both of these albums on tape many years ago. They have been lost a long time now in the audio cassette afterlife. I would like to say they have gone to heaven. Been thinking about this band for a while now, their songs whispering their way back into my head like old spider webs. Now I can't take it any more. I must have these two albums again.
For those of you who aren't familiar, The Cranes are a British dark pop band that began in the late 1980's and peaked in the early to mid 1990's. And the phrase "dark pop" is an understatement. Alison Shaw's vocals are the most macabre I have ever heard. She sounds like the ghost of a little girl, lost in the netherworld, trying to communicate with the living...her voice is so fragile, so beautiful, so terrifying. The music is perfect, so ethereal and full of shadow and light but never pretentious. You know you've heard the perfect Cranes song because it will always give you the chills. There is something seriously messed up about their sound, a feeling that hits you in the gut and takes your breath away, a feeling of dread that creeps up your spine and never goes away. This is the stuff true nightmares are made of.
Both "Forever" and "Wings of Joy" come highly recommended, with "Forever" being the stronger of the two. Must have both of them back in my collection.
From "Wings of Joy".
My personal favorite Cranes track, "Starbood" is. Also from 'Wings of Joy". Do not listen to this alone in the dark.
Great song from "Forever". Excuse the poor video quality. All I could find.
For those of you who aren't familiar, The Cranes are a British dark pop band that began in the late 1980's and peaked in the early to mid 1990's. And the phrase "dark pop" is an understatement. Alison Shaw's vocals are the most macabre I have ever heard. She sounds like the ghost of a little girl, lost in the netherworld, trying to communicate with the living...her voice is so fragile, so beautiful, so terrifying. The music is perfect, so ethereal and full of shadow and light but never pretentious. You know you've heard the perfect Cranes song because it will always give you the chills. There is something seriously messed up about their sound, a feeling that hits you in the gut and takes your breath away, a feeling of dread that creeps up your spine and never goes away. This is the stuff true nightmares are made of.
Both "Forever" and "Wings of Joy" come highly recommended, with "Forever" being the stronger of the two. Must have both of them back in my collection.
From "Wings of Joy".
My personal favorite Cranes track, "Starbood" is. Also from 'Wings of Joy". Do not listen to this alone in the dark.
Great song from "Forever". Excuse the poor video quality. All I could find.
Alison Shaw,
Beautiful Friend,
Wings of Joy

Well, it's Black Friday again, and you know what that means...Hell on Earth, and yes, the one year anniversary of this blog as of tomorrow! Yes, it all began the Saturday after Black Friday, and here's the post that really started it all. I hope you all have enjoyed this blog so far, and I look forward to seeing a second year anniversary here as well. Thanks to everyone for their support. And now, without any further ado...The Jingle Cats!
"Hot on the heels of Black's The Jingle Cats performing one of their amazingly psychedelic Christmas tunes....."White Christmas"! This first clip is the original version, and it's trippy enough...but the second clip is a re-mix..."White Christmas in Hell". It is brain melting indeed...Helios Creed would be proud."
"Hot on the heels of Black's The Jingle Cats performing one of their amazingly psychedelic Christmas tunes....."White Christmas"! This first clip is the original version, and it's trippy enough...but the second clip is a re-mix..."White Christmas in Hell". It is brain melting indeed...Helios Creed would be proud."
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Some truly unsettling, deep-freeze vaccum of outer space, claustrophobic yet wide open drug-induced terror...beautiful, brilliant. This song gives me the chills every time I hear it. Exquisitely horrific. It's called "Leaving the Body", from Helios Creed's 1995 album "Cosmic Assault". You can't go wrong with Helios Creed. Every album he puts out has consistent quality, and you always know what you're going to get. His output has been prolific and many of his albums are nigh impossible to find. I am partial to "Lactating Purple", though. That disc is his most brilliant moment in my opinion.
Anyway, enjoy "Leaving the Body", and pick up "Cosmic Assault" if you haven't already. If you aren't a Helios Creed fan, maybe this will turn you on to the King of space rock...
One for the road. Some grimy Florida 1960's psych/punk...The Canadian Rogues' "Keep in Touch". Enjoy.
1960's gargage punk,
Canadian Rogues,
Keep in Touch
More filthy 1960's fuzz. From Ohio, circa 1966...The Alarm Clocks' "No Reason to Complain".
1960's fuzz,
No Reason To Complain,
The Alarm Clocks
Some twisted, sleazy 1960's garage punk. Can't get enough of it...don't know why. Here's one of my favorites of the genre, The Fabs' "That's the Bag I'm In". Sorry there's no decent video for this.
1960's garage punk,
That's the Bag I'm In,
The Fabs

I'm really not a huge fan of Alice Cooper but there is something about his 1971 release "Killer" that I undeniably enjoy. Alice Cooper stirs together a strange brew of the gloom of early Black Sabbath, the glam of early David Bowie, the wild energy of The Stooges, and plenty of shock tactics and obnoxious rock and roll to make a truly enjoyable listen. There is nothing too deep or profound here...from the opening notes of "Under My Wheels" you know what you're getting into. There are no pretenses. Just a great listen through and through. Yes, the music sounds very dated today, but so what? I just enjoy this album and it's hard to put my finger on why.
A few of my favorite songs are "Dead Babies" and "You Drive Me Nervous". You should pick this album up if you've ever had your doubts about Alice Cooper or if you just want a solid, somewhat strange yet rewarding retro 1970's listen.
You Drive Me Nervous - Alice Cooper

A sunless Saturday...rainy and gloomy. It's just not working for me. Here's the perfect song for an uplift out of the gloom: Fishbone's "Sunless Saturday". It's from the "Reality of My Surroundings" album. An amazing work, full of soul. If you haven't heard this album, you should pick it up.
"Take these clouds away,
I hate this sunless Saturday"
Click here to listen. Once again, embedding has been disabled by request. Shame, shame, shame You Tube...
"Take these clouds away,
I hate this sunless Saturday"
Click here to listen. Once again, embedding has been disabled by request. Shame, shame, shame You Tube...
This song has been roaming around in my head for the past several days. It's from Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" album. Here it is, "Freddie Freeloader". You generally can't go wrong with Miles. Enjoy.
Freddie Freeloader,
Kind of Blue,
Miles Davis
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Just sick and twisted 1960's garage pych/punk. Never heard of these guys before but I'm going to have to find more of their stuff.
Another 1960's garage punk gem, this time from Houston, Texas. The Moving Sidewalks...three members of this band would later move on to form ZZ Top. Here's "99th Floor", one of my favorite songs of the genre.
1960's garage punk,
99th Floor,
Moving Sidewalks,
ZZ Top
I just discovered this gem. Some killer late 1960's garage punk from Canada...THE HAUNTED. Love this song...these guys are dead on. Wonder if they have any other material out there.
We go from the worst song ever made to one of the best (and little known). This song comes from Hermano's 2007 album "Into the Exam Room". "At the Bar" is such a perfect quiet, a beautiful downer....thick, glossy, desert haze. John Garcia, please keep making music.
At the Bar,
Into The Exam Room,
John Garcia

I can be a huge fan of laughably bad music at times. Music that is so bad it makes your side split with painful joy...
Here is without a doubt the worst song (and video) ever recorded. Prepare yourself for The Men Without Hats' "The Safety Dance"!
A strangely poetic and very chilling track from Billy Childish's THEE HEADCOATS. One of their best songs. THEE HEADCOATS' music can be very dark at a Film Noir version of THE CRAMPS. This song is no exception. Here it is..."A Town Named Squaresville." Haunting.
Friday, November 13, 2009
One of the greatest Fu Manchu songs ever recorded. Irresistable. If you can sit still while listening to this something's not right.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
This is one of the heaviest 1960's psych/doom songs ever recorded. It comes from the movie HEAD featuring THE MONKEES in a fractured, sometimes humorous psychedelic nightmare. This movie will rip your synapses and logic apart...great movie and song. One of these days I'll get around to reviewing this one.
The song here is only 30 seconds long. Log in to Imeem or create an account to hear the whole thing. It's a copyright issue, I guess. I highly recommend any serious music fan to have an Imeem account anyway.
Porpoise Song - The Monkees
The song here is only 30 seconds long. Log in to Imeem or create an account to hear the whole thing. It's a copyright issue, I guess. I highly recommend any serious music fan to have an Imeem account anyway.
Porpoise Song - The Monkees
Diamond Head,
The Monkees,
The Porpoise Song

Ok. I've been trying to complete my Trouble collection for a long. long time now. Seems like all of their long lost recordings from the late 1980's on are finally back in print. SIMPLE MIND CONDITION, PLASTIC GREEN HEAD, MANIC FRUSTRATION, and TROUBLE. I'm working on getting all of these long lost out of print gems. I just purchased PLASTIC GREEN HEAD (1996) last night and let me tell you, it blew me away.
PLASTIC GREEN HEAD has been long out of print and impossible to find for over a decade. I never even got a chance to hear this album when it originally came out. It was supposed to be a solid follow up to their previous release MANIC FRUSTRATION. I never found it anywhere. It appeared and disappeared that fast. So today, after more than ten years waiting, I'm lucky enough to have my hands on this album and I'm anxious to deliver a review.
PLASTIC GREEN HEAD comes off as a bit more sedate and unsettling Trouble album. It has the vibe of having taken one too many trips....that feeling of being scared to put one foot back into reality. It also conveys a sort of dry, frayed nerve endings, burnt out vibe that can be a bit unnerving but really works to this album's advantage.
There are really two styles of music on this album. The first is a detatched, burnt out, heavy as hell doom....Trouble's riffs have never been so vicious yet so subtle. Eric Wagner's vocals sound a bit distanced and at the same time more painful, but that only adds to the strength of the album. The riffs are incredible..the best of Trouble's career so far. Check out" Plastic Green Head" and "Long Shadows Fall".
The second style that Trouble puts forth on PLASTIC GREEN HEAD is one they had been attempting to perfect on their two previous releases TROUBLE and MANIC FRUSTRATION. The crushing, melodic, psychedelic doom ballad...a heavy slab of depression featuring the bleakest harmonies of THE BEATLES and the dirge-like qualities of the works of DONOVAN comibined into one. Really just heavy 1960's melodic psychedelic doom. They have perfected that sound on this release. Listen to "REQUIEM"...and marvel at their version of THE MONKEES' "PORPOISE SONG"....this has got to be one of the gloomiest psych rock songs ever recorded. There is also a Beatles song on here, "TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS". One thing I really noticed here: There is a lack of the Christian overtones that one has grown to expect from Trouble. It is as if the band had descended into a downward, drug-induced spiral....and I can't complain one bit. This would be their last album until about ten years later when they re-grouped and recorded SIMPLE MIND CONDITION.
All in all, PLASTIC GREEN HEAD is an excellent, crushing, TROUBLE album. It is a bit dry, but if you can get over that fact, this is a solid release, worthy to be in the collection of any self-respecting fan of all things retro and doom.
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ok. I've been looking for a Thanksgiving horror movie and I've finally found one. It's a movie that came out in 1972 about a murderous, drug addicted turkey monster that must drink the blood of drug addicts to get his fix. I kid you not! I haven't seen this one yet but here is an excellent review I found: Prepare yourself for BLOOD FREAK! It's out of print, but I will stop at nothing to track down this film.
This trailer is hialrious. So bad it's good...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
As far as I know, this is the only official music video The Glen Danzig Misfits ever made. Grainy and faded out...priceless. From the "Walk Among Us" album.
Glen Danzig,
The Misfits,
Walk Among Us
Friday, October 30, 2009
And lest we forget...
This is for those of you who like to imbibe a bit on Halloween. The effects of a good Halloween can be heightened by the intake of the alcoholic beverage (or beverages) of your choice. My poison of choice is beer. So what will I be drinking?
I'd like to be drinking this on Halloween:
Have a safe and fiendish Halloween everyone.
This is for those of you who like to imbibe a bit on Halloween. The effects of a good Halloween can be heightened by the intake of the alcoholic beverage (or beverages) of your choice. My poison of choice is beer. So what will I be drinking?
I'd like to be drinking this on Halloween:
Or this:
But due to budgetary constraints, it looks like I'll be having this...the old stand-by.
I definitely won't be drinking this, no matter how cheap it is. Learned my lesson.
Have a safe and fiendish Halloween everyone.
Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale,
Red Stripe,
Steel Reserve
No Halloween is perfect not only without the right must have the perfect movies as well. What makes a great horror movie to me? Well, it is one that is creative, frightening, and one that has something extra to it, some morbid charm that makes me want to come back to it again and again. Personally, I really don't care for your traditional slasher movies. I like my horror slightly more outside the box, so here goes. These are in no particular order. There may not be anything particularly ground-breaking here, but these are the movies I find myself coming back to again and again...especially on Halloween.
1. NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. George Romero's original black and white classic. The perfect zombie movie. So human, so crushing, so terrifying. This movie floors me every time I see it.
2. EVIL DEAD. Sam Raimi's first EVIL DEAD movie. There is something downright terrifying and adrenaline-fueled about this movie. Raimi's creativity runs amok here in it's most primitive form. The budget wasn't as big and the look not as sleek as the second one, but the raw energy and dementia of this film puts it over the top. My favorite of the trilogy.
3. SUSPIRIA. Daria Argento's most creative, visually stunning, and aurally unsettling movie of his career. If you're into balls out, psychedelic suspense and gore, you gotta see this one.
4. SPIDER BABY. Director Jack Hill's first and my personal favorite of his. This is what makes a horror movie for me. Very quirky and and inventive. Great dialogue and camera work. The acting and characters are what make this movie tick. If you want something well off the beaten path, watch SPIDER BABY.
5. PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE. I love Ed Wood, I know everyone thinks his movies are the worst ever made. Just watch this one. Low budget aside, it's full of child-like thrills and chills. I never grow weary of this film.
6. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. Tobe Hooper's original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Hellish, fast-paced, nightmarish, and brilliant. The pacing of this movie is top notch. Once you get through watching this one you are emotionally drained, and you won't be able to sleep either. Downright terrifying. The energy of this movie is tremendous. It is difficult for most slasher films to reach this intensity. Accept no re-makes or substitutes. If you watch just one slasher film this year, let it be this one.
What are some your favorites?
1. NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. George Romero's original black and white classic. The perfect zombie movie. So human, so crushing, so terrifying. This movie floors me every time I see it.
2. EVIL DEAD. Sam Raimi's first EVIL DEAD movie. There is something downright terrifying and adrenaline-fueled about this movie. Raimi's creativity runs amok here in it's most primitive form. The budget wasn't as big and the look not as sleek as the second one, but the raw energy and dementia of this film puts it over the top. My favorite of the trilogy.
3. SUSPIRIA. Daria Argento's most creative, visually stunning, and aurally unsettling movie of his career. If you're into balls out, psychedelic suspense and gore, you gotta see this one.
4. SPIDER BABY. Director Jack Hill's first and my personal favorite of his. This is what makes a horror movie for me. Very quirky and and inventive. Great dialogue and camera work. The acting and characters are what make this movie tick. If you want something well off the beaten path, watch SPIDER BABY.
5. PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE. I love Ed Wood, I know everyone thinks his movies are the worst ever made. Just watch this one. Low budget aside, it's full of child-like thrills and chills. I never grow weary of this film.
6. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. Tobe Hooper's original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Hellish, fast-paced, nightmarish, and brilliant. The pacing of this movie is top notch. Once you get through watching this one you are emotionally drained, and you won't be able to sleep either. Downright terrifying. The energy of this movie is tremendous. It is difficult for most slasher films to reach this intensity. Accept no re-makes or substitutes. If you watch just one slasher film this year, let it be this one.
What are some your favorites?
Ok. I love Halloween, and no Halloween is right without the perfect music to set the mood. Here are some personal favorites, the ones I find myself listening to again and again...especially around this time of year. These are in no particular order.
1. WITCHCRAFT's self -titled debut album. This album emanates a creepy retro-vibe, like a darker, more primitive and accessible early Black Sabbath. Very dark and hazy.
2. LA SEXORCISTO by WHITE ZOMBIE. The perfect accompaniment to you Halloween night. Fright-filled, sleazy, and drugged-out. Rob Zombie's lysergic lyrics, the abundant horror and b-movie samples, and bountiful evil grooves make this one my personal Halloween (and year-round favorite).
Embedding disabled by request. Makes me mad. Click here.
3. WALK AMONG US by THE MISFITS. My personal favorite Misfits album. Campy, catchy, and full of blood lust and horror b-movie worship. A must have for any horror fiend.
4. THE TRAVELING VAMPIRE SHOW by CALABRESE. Just pure horror punk at it's finest. Can't live without it.
5. SUSPIRIA SOUNDTRACK by GOBLIN. This is one of the most disturbing and mind-bending works of music to ever be recorded. Do not listen to this alone in the dark. If you want to scare the be-jeezus out of some Trick or Treaters play this one really loud. The movie is badass too but I will get to that soon enough.
6. BLACK ANGELS, by KRONOS QUARTET. I saved the darkest and most intense for last. Kronos Quartet is a string quartet that plays their own versions of some of the most extreme, intense, personal, and unsettling compositions of music ever written. BLACK ANGELS is their darkest, most bleak and emotional album in my opinion. Play this one really loud with the windows open and Trick-or-Treaters (what's left of their dwindling numbers anyway) will be too scared to even come to your door.
Ok, that's it. I'm sure I've probably left out some. What are some of your favorite albums to listen to on Halloween? I'd love to hear from you.
1. WITCHCRAFT's self -titled debut album. This album emanates a creepy retro-vibe, like a darker, more primitive and accessible early Black Sabbath. Very dark and hazy.
2. LA SEXORCISTO by WHITE ZOMBIE. The perfect accompaniment to you Halloween night. Fright-filled, sleazy, and drugged-out. Rob Zombie's lysergic lyrics, the abundant horror and b-movie samples, and bountiful evil grooves make this one my personal Halloween (and year-round favorite).
Embedding disabled by request. Makes me mad. Click here.
3. WALK AMONG US by THE MISFITS. My personal favorite Misfits album. Campy, catchy, and full of blood lust and horror b-movie worship. A must have for any horror fiend.
4. THE TRAVELING VAMPIRE SHOW by CALABRESE. Just pure horror punk at it's finest. Can't live without it.
5. SUSPIRIA SOUNDTRACK by GOBLIN. This is one of the most disturbing and mind-bending works of music to ever be recorded. Do not listen to this alone in the dark. If you want to scare the be-jeezus out of some Trick or Treaters play this one really loud. The movie is badass too but I will get to that soon enough.
6. BLACK ANGELS, by KRONOS QUARTET. I saved the darkest and most intense for last. Kronos Quartet is a string quartet that plays their own versions of some of the most extreme, intense, personal, and unsettling compositions of music ever written. BLACK ANGELS is their darkest, most bleak and emotional album in my opinion. Play this one really loud with the windows open and Trick-or-Treaters (what's left of their dwindling numbers anyway) will be too scared to even come to your door.
Ok, that's it. I'm sure I've probably left out some. What are some of your favorite albums to listen to on Halloween? I'd love to hear from you.
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fiends rejoice! Two new Misfits songs have just been released this month..."Land of the Dead" and 'Twilight of the Dead". You can purchase them on vinyl or download them from Amazon or I-Tunes. Both tracks are great...just what the doctor ordered for Halloween. The line-up consists of Jerry only on vocals, Dez Cadena on guitar, and Robo on drums. To read more, click here.
Dez Cadena,
Jerry Only,
Land of the Dead,
The Misfits,
Twilight of the Dead
Songs Stuck in My Head...
Here's two completely unrelated songs that have been stuck in my head and rambling around all week. The first is The Car's "Just What I needed" and the second is Black Sabbath's "Fairies Wear Boots" here they are. Enjoy.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Right Coffee Mug...
If you're like me, you love your coffee in the morning. I know I do. I can't function without it. It doesn't matter what coffee you drink. Coffee in the morning always tastes good, and everyone has different opinions about the brand, etc. What really matters is the receptacle you drink your ritual morning java out of. I don't know about you, but I love a good coffee mug. It must be relatively large, have a nice big handle to hold firm in hand, be pleasing to the eye, and most importantly, be easy to drink out of. You don't want any groggy early morning coffee spills.
Pictured below are the coffee mugs I love the most. They are the only ones I use. I know, gentlemen, if you are married, the spouse may frown on these types of mugs. They don't match the dishes, or anything else in the house for that matter. But if your wife is like mine, she will overlook these things because she knows you have to have your coffee and those dainty coffee cups that match the dishes just won't do.
Before we begin with the pictures, it is important to know that you should have several mugs, one which fits the mood you may be in any given morning.
First off is the mug you have to have on the worst mornings. Hard time waking up? Didn't get enough sleep? If you answered yes to both of these questions (like me) then this is the mug for you. It's an eye opener, and combined with some good joe, you will be awake in no time.

The next two mugs are for mild mornings. When you've gotten enough sleep, everything is pretty mellow, and you're feeling pretty good before you even touch the coffee. Drinking out of these mugs signifies it might be a pretty good day.

And as we all know, after the work week is over with, we still need our coffee. The weekend coffee mug can be very important, possibly the most important of all. You must choose one that will truly jump start your weekend. This should be the sacred, almighty coffee mug that no one else is allowed to touch. Here's mine.

What's your favorite coffee mug(s)? I would love to hear.
Pictured below are the coffee mugs I love the most. They are the only ones I use. I know, gentlemen, if you are married, the spouse may frown on these types of mugs. They don't match the dishes, or anything else in the house for that matter. But if your wife is like mine, she will overlook these things because she knows you have to have your coffee and those dainty coffee cups that match the dishes just won't do.
Before we begin with the pictures, it is important to know that you should have several mugs, one which fits the mood you may be in any given morning.
First off is the mug you have to have on the worst mornings. Hard time waking up? Didn't get enough sleep? If you answered yes to both of these questions (like me) then this is the mug for you. It's an eye opener, and combined with some good joe, you will be awake in no time.
The next two mugs are for mild mornings. When you've gotten enough sleep, everything is pretty mellow, and you're feeling pretty good before you even touch the coffee. Drinking out of these mugs signifies it might be a pretty good day.
And as we all know, after the work week is over with, we still need our coffee. The weekend coffee mug can be very important, possibly the most important of all. You must choose one that will truly jump start your weekend. This should be the sacred, almighty coffee mug that no one else is allowed to touch. Here's mine.
What's your favorite coffee mug(s)? I would love to hear.
Coroner: No Need to Be Human
Bleak, dissonant, intense, progressive thrash metal from 1989. "No Need to Be Human" from Coroner's 1989 masterpiece "No More Color". I know I've reviewed this album here before, but it deserves another shout out. Can't recommend this disc and song enough.
No More Color,
progressive thrash metal
I spotted this at Spencers a couple of hours ago. It's THE FUNKY COZY. You know those cheesy, annoying, and unintentionally hilarious commercials they always show...the blanket with sleeves! THE COZY... I doubt these things are worth the fabric they are made of. Not to mention that they have gotten horrible reviews. To my befuddlement, they still continue to market these things...and in Halloween fashions! I love the skull one pictured above. Super kitsch. Priceless.
skull cozy,
The Cozy,
The Funky Cozy

"Pure" (1992) by Godflesh. What a crushing release. This is the band's strongest release in my opinion. They mold a perfect apocalyptic doom landscape. They sound akin to the strongest riffs from Saint Vitus and Black Sabbath...but they meld these riffs with a drum machine and hellish droning feedback, bludgeoning you slowly, slowly, repetitively into claustrophobia, fear, and paranoia. The only musician that comes even close to creating such bleak, alienating, and frightening sounds capes is the god of psych space metal Helios Creed. Through and through, "Pure" is monumental, thundering and dissonant. The perfect soundtrack to the apocalypse. Highly recommended.
doom metal,
industrial metal,
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