Friday, January 23, 2009


The Consumers were a ferocious American punk band that only released one album, "All My Friends Are Dead", in 1977. Their sound is vicious and distinctive, like a cross between The Sex Pistols and The Ramones sped up and amped to deafening volumes with snarling vocals. Almost hardcore but not quite, The Consumers manage to retain the melody of punk through the cacophony of it all. "All My Friends Are Dead" is a deafening, frightening, and addictive blast of energy that knocks you down but makes you want to come back for more. Songs like "Anti, Anti, Anti" and "Teen Love Song" are so good they are practically punk anthems. After The Consumers' short career, gutarist Paul Cutler helped form the gothic/art/punk/hardcore band 45 Grave led by Dinah Cancer. They re-recorded faithfully devastating versions of many classic Consumer's tracks, elevating the Consumers' work to a new, legendary status. Go out and get "All My Friends are Dead" now. Play it loud and scare your neighbors.
Here's "Teen Love Song" and "Consumers". Enjoy!

Teen Love Song - All My Friends Are Dead - Consumers

Consumers - All My Friends Are Dead - The Consumers

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